The LED point light is a generalized physical concept designed to simplify the discussion of physical problems. Similar to commonly mentioned concepts like frictionless planes, mass points, and the absence of air resistance, the LED point light does not exist in reality. It refers to a light source that emits light uniformly from a point into the surrounding space.
I. Difference between LED point light and Surface Light Source
The terms "LED point light" and "surface light source" are relative. When the distance between you and the light source is vast, the light you receive can be considered nearly parallel. In such cases, the light source is termed a surface light source. For example, sunlight falling on our bodies, where the light received on the hand and the foot can be considered parallel, and all the light on our bodies is parallel, represents a surface light source at that moment.
When the source changes to the Earth and the Moon or the Pacific Ocean and the Himalayas, where the angles at which the light reaches the receiver show a significant difference and cannot be neglected, it is termed an LED point light.
Line light sources also exist. For example, in fluorescent lights, the light emitted from different points on the source to a single point on an object has angular differences, and in this instance, the light source is considered a line light source.
II. LED pointlight Parameter Explanation
1. Electrical Characteristics
Include volt-ampere characteristics, allowable power dissipation, response time, capacitance-voltage characteristics, etc.
2. Optical Performance Characteristics
Include spectral characteristics, light distribution characteristics, mainly brightness or luminous flux, light decay, failure rate, luminous efficacy, divergence, and optical scatter characteristics, etc. Peak wavelength and half-brightness values are typically used to describe the spectral distribution of spectral characteristics.
3. Thermal Characteristics
Reflects the temperature change, thermal resistance, and other thermal-related characteristics.
Utilizing high-brightness LEDs as the light source, it has a short lifespan, low efficiency, die-cast aluminum lamp body, PC lampshade, environmentally friendly.
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